Career Profile

Currently working as an engineer at Target on the Stores RFID team. Proud UW-Madison alumnus - go badgers!


Software Engineer

2022 - Present
Target - Minneapolis, MN

Engineer on the RFID team supporting use of RFID tech in stores.

Software Developer

2021 - 2022
Fastenal - Winona, MN

Developer on the data integration team with a large focus on writing Kafka Streams in Java.

Software Intern

Summer 2018 & Summer 2019
Clientek - Minneapolis, MN

Assisted where needed in testing, documentation, and data management.


GroupMe Bot - Python service that actively listens to messages sent in a GroupMe group chat and parses each message while looking for certain commands such as /joke and /quote, which trigger their respective APIs and the bot sends a parsed response back to the group.
Disc Golf App - Created an android application with a small team that allows users to use a virtual scorecard, find and play nearby courses, keep track of their discs, measure throws, and more.

Skills & Proficiency

Java & Kotlin

